
Greater Nashua Smart Start Coalition

The Greater Nashua Smart Start Coalition for Early Childhood Success serves as the regional lead for Greater Nashua's work around early childhood education and supports. Our Coalition is made up of community members and family serving agencies and we work together to identify the gaps in our community that keep us from having a coordinated Early Childhood system. We also work together to identify ways we can prevent and address adverse childhood experiences to help strengthen families.  We focus on families with children from the prenatal stage up to age 8. 

We are working to become a more trauma-informed community, by engaging key stakeholders in early childhood supports like family support agencies, educators, and behavioral health specialists to prevent and address adverse childhood experiences.

One way we do this is by offering a Free Fun Family Events series thatpromotes the social-emotional practices of the Choose Love Movement. We also connect agencies, educators, and behavioral specialists with the training they need to become more trauma-informed.

Check out the rest of our site to learn more about the other ways we work to prevent and address ACEs!

Our parent network is designed to be a space where parents and caregivers can come together to voice the hopes and concerns for their families and have the connections needed to make change happen. We do this by offering a weekly support group, a paid internship with New Futures, Be Strong Families Parent Cafes, and focus groups to hear authentic feedback from families.

Our parent network is also intentionally connected with the agencies within our coalition to learn about the supports available to them to promote their families health and success.